753,024 research outputs found

    [Sinfonien, C-Dur] Symphonie (in C-Dur) / von Ferdinand Hiller

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    Online-Ausg. der Notenhs. Mus Hs 86 der Universitätsibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg Frankfurt am Main. Einheitssachtitel: Sinfonien, C-Du

    Inah Park, Organ

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    Präludium und Fuge a-Moll, BWV 543 / Johann Sebastian Bach; Fantasie No.3 Es-Dur / Johann Gottfried Müthel; Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 654 / J.S. Bach; Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV 688 / J.S. Bach; Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658 / J.S. Bach; Fantasie und Fuge c-Moll, Wq. 119, No. 7 / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach; Toccata E-Dur, BWV 566 (C Major Version) / J.S. Bac

    Measurement of dimensional stability

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    A technique was developed for measuring, with a precision of one part 10 to the 9th power, changes in physical dimensions delta L/L. Measurements have commenced on five materials: Heraeus-Schott Homosil (vitreous silica), Corning 7940 (vitreous silica), Corning ULE 7971 (titanium silicate), Schott Zero-Dur, and Owens-Illinois Cer-Vit C-101. The study was extended to include Universal Cyclops Invar LR-35 and Simonds-Saw Superinvar

    Symphonie in C dur /

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    Orgánico: 1 2 0 2 -- 2 2 0 0 -- tmp -- strCopia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, s2021Tít. de la carp.: `Sinfonía cero (Jenner)`Partes: Fl, Ob 1, 2, Bn 1, 2, Hn 1, 2, Tp 1, 2, Tmp, Vn 1 (8), Vn 2 (7), Va (6), Vc (5), Db (4

    Stefan Engels, Faculty Organ Recital

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    Präludium c-Moll Op. 63/1; Fugue C-Dur Op. 63/2, from Monologe - Zwölf Stücke / Max Reger; Vier Konzertetüden für Orgel (1973) / Siegfried Thiele; Toccata in E BWV 566 / Johann Sebastian Bach; Tokkata e-Moll Op. 63/9; Fugue e-Moll Op. 63/10, from Monologe - Zwölf Stücke / Max Rege


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    Penelitian dengan judul PEMIKIRAN POLITIK DAN GERAKAN SOSIOKULTURAL KEWARGANEGARAAN KAUM INTELEKTUAL MUSLIM NEO-MODERNIS DALAM PENGUATAN DEMOKRASI DAN CIVIL SOCIETY DI INDONESIA: Suatu Perspektif Keadaban Kewarganegaraan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemikiran politik dan gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) dan Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) dalam penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini terkait dengan: (a) Perjalanan sejarah sosial intelektual Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam peta intelektual Indonesia; (b) Paradigma pemikiran politik Cak Nur dan Gus Dur; (c) Pola gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia berdasarkan perspektif keadaban kewarganegaraan; (d) Dampak dan relevansi pemikiran politik dan gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam konteks penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan metode studi tokoh. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan kerangka kerja penelitian sejarah sosial intelektual. Data primer penelitian dari sumber pustaka yang ditulis oleh Cak Nur dan Gus Dur, sedangkan data sekunder dari tulisan pihak lain yang memiliki relevansi dengan fokus penelitian ini. Data dianalisis berdasarkan analisis wacana kritis, analisis isi, analisis hermeneutik serta analisis reflektif inkuiri untuk mendapatkan temuan hasil penelitian. Temuan penelitian menegaskan bahwa Cak Nur dan Gus Dur merupakan dua warga negara yang berasal dari daerah dan latar belakang kultural yang sama, namun berbeda dalam strategi gerakan. Keduanya berada dalam titik temu sebagai pemikir dan intelektual neo-modernis dalam merespons masalah-masalah kewarganegaraan. Cak Nur dan Gus Dur berpandangan bahwa Islam sebagai ideologi dan agama menjadi faktor utama dalam mendorong modernisasi, meneguhkan semangat kebangsaan yang multikultural dan menjadikan nilai dan substansi ajaran Islam sebagai etos dan nilai-nilai keadaban dalam kehidupan kebangsaan dan kenegaraan tanpa harus menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara Islam, tetapi negara Pancasila. Kedua tokoh ini menempuh gerakan Islam kultural sebagai model dari gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan untuk penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Melalui gerakan tersebut dilakaukan pengembangan nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan yang dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam etika sosial politik bagi warga negara dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara. Nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan yang dirumuskan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur mencakup nilai: pluralitas, penghargaan terhadap perbedaan, kebersamaan, silaturahmi-ta’aruf, penghormatan terhadap minoritas, humanitarian, kebangsaan, empati, toleran, egaliter, solidaritas bangsa, keadilan sosial. Nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan tersebut dapat mendorong lahirnya keadaban demokrasi (democracy civility) dan keadaban kewarganegaraan dalam menguatkan demokrasi dan peran civil society di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan untuk melakukan rekonstruksi materi dan metode pendidikan kewarganegaraan sebagai sebuah paradigma baru berdasarkan tradisi keilmuan Islam dan kearifan lokal keindonesiaan ---------- The title of research POLITICAL THOUGHT AND SOCIOCULTURAL CITIZENSHIP MOVEMENT OF NEO-MODERNIST MUSLIMS INTELLECTUAL IN STRENGTHENING DEMOCRACY AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN INDONESIA : A Civic Virtue Perspective has been the objectives to describe in depth about political thought and sosiocultural citizenship movement of Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) and Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) in strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia within the perspective civic virtue. This study dealth with: (a) Social history of intellectual Cak Nur and Gus Dur in the intellectual map of Indonesia; (b) The paradigm of political thought of Cak Nur and Gus Dur as well as models of political thought both figures; (c) Sociocultural movement patterns for citizenship of Cak Nur and Gus Dur in the strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia; (d) Impact and relevance of political thoughts and sociocultural movements citizenship of Cak Nur and Gus Dur to the context of strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia according from the prespective civic virtue. This research was a library research and literature the figures methods. The approach user this study was social history of intellectual research. Data were obtained from published sources written by two characters that were examined as the primary data source. The secondary source was obtained from the writings of others that have relevance to the focus of this study. The data were analyzed based on critical discourse analysis, content analysis, hermeneutic analysis and reflective inquiry to get the findings.The findings of the study confirms that Cak Nur and Gus Dur were two citizens from the same area and cultural background of the family. The citizens of this country have different learning environment in the developing and strengthening their intellectualism. This research also showed Cak Nur and Gus Dur had the same point of view that in Indonesia, in functioning of Islam as a religion and ideology. Those have become the main factors to develop modernization and citizenship even Indonesia is not an Islamic country, but it is based on Pancasila. Nevertheless, both of them have develop the same movement in responding the issues related to citizenship and the relationship between Islam, politics and civil society. As political thinker based on Islamic and modernity perspectives, Cak Nur and Gus Dur have formulated civic virtue values such as: pluralism, appreciation of diversity, equality, egality, equity, humanity, nationalism, emphaty, tolerance, solidarity, and social justice. Both of them formulated and developed the value and substance of the teachings of Islam as the ethos and values of civility in our nationhood and statehood like democracy civility and civic virtue in the strengthening of democracy and civil society in Indonesia. Based on research findings it can be recommended to reconstruct contents and methods as new paradigm of civic education based on Islamic knowledges tradition and local wisdoms in Indonesian setting as well as

    Operator-Schmidt decompositions and the Fourier transform, with applications to the operator-Schmidt numbers of unitaries

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    The operator-Schmidt decomposition is useful in quantum information theory for quantifying the nonlocality of bipartite unitary operations. We construct a family of unitary operators on C^n tensor C^n whose operator-Schmidt decompositions are computed using the discrete Fourier transform. As a corollary, we produce unitaries on C^3 tensor C^3 with operator-Schmidt number S for every S in {1,...,9}. This corollary was unexpected, since it contradicted reasonable conjectures of Nielsen et al [Phys. Rev. A 67 (2003) 052301] based on intuition from a striking result in the two-qubit case. By the results of Dur, Vidal, and Cirac [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 057901 quant-ph/0112124], who also considered the two-qubit case, our result implies that there are nine equivalence classes of unitaries on C^3 tensor C^3 which are probabilistically interconvertible by (stochastic) local operations and classical communication. As another corollary, a prescription is produced for constructing maximally-entangled operators from biunimodular functions. Reversing tact, we state a generalized operator-Schmidt decomposition of the quantum Fourier transform considered as an operator C^M_1 tensor C^M_2 --> C^N_1 tensor C^N_2, with M_1 x M_2 = N_1 x N_2. This decomposition shows (by Nielsen's bound) that the communication cost of the QFT remains maximal when a net transfer of qudits is permitted. In an appendix, a canonical procedure is given for removing basis-dependence for results and proofs depending on the "magic basis" introduced in [S. Hill and W. Wootters, "Entanglement of a pair of quantum bits," Phys Rev. Lett 78 (1997) 5022-5025, quant-ph/9703041 (and quant-ph/9709029)].Comment: More formal version of my talk at the Simons Conference on Quantum and Reversible Computation at Stony Brook May 31, 2003. The talk slides and audio are available at http://www.physics.sunysb.edu/itp/conf/simons-qcomputation.html. Fixed typos and minor cosmetic


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    The primary objective of this paper is to study the interaction between mon- etary policy, asset prices, and the sources of technological progress. We develop a two sector model in which ?nancial institutions promote risk sharing and ?at money alleviates trade frictions. Since the price of capital goods depends on in- ?ation, the Friedman Rule may be sub-optimal. In addition, di¤erent sources of productivity can a¤ect the degree of risk sharing. Although the optimal money growth rate falls in response to an increase in productivity in either sector of the economy, monetary policy should react more aggressively to investment-speci?c productivity. Our results are broadly consistent with U.S. monetary policy dur- ing the postwar period.Asset Prices, Investment, Monetary Policy
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